"...experienced a dramatic rise in their BPA levels -- because of unexpectedly high levels of BPA in the milk and dried spices they were consuming." One more reason why I avoid ALL dairy products since I had breast cancer over 12 years ago.
I had no idea about our highly processed, artifically flavored, chemically laden, clean room manufactured, factory farmed, genetically engineered, steroid injected, arsenic feed, antibiotic administered, high fructose corn syrup addicted, franken-food supply. ...and I thought I was eating healthy.
It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why.
An "organic" apple a day helps keep the doctor a way. - Ben Franklin
p.s. Great article! Totally agree on glass storage suggestions and basically eliminating "plastic" as a cooking/storage utensil. Cans lined with BPA will become a thing of the past because (hopefully) consumers will purchase only those cans that state "no BPA" similar to HFCS and non GMO. Thanks again for getting the word out there about BPA and its dangers.
DIrect marketing piece handed out at our children's school picnic -
I added the red cross out |