Fooducate Blog - Marketing to Kids: What Every Parent Should Know
Here's my response:
Terrific post! Haven't been to a MacDonald's in probably 10 years and took our 13 year old son through the window after a late baseball game. He ordered a medium french fries and it came in a big red box. I said, "Oh, they gave you a large by accident." He said, "this is the medium." The portion was huge! At least twice as big as what I remember as a kid.
Is this "medium" the extra large from 20 years ago? |
Had a niece lose over 70 pounds when she stopped drinking the high calorie, nutritionally void frozen drinks - she had no idea that one drink was nearly a day's worth of calories. (She also changed to much better eating habits when she discovered what she was really eating and drinking.)
Any one else find it strange that America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why?
Looking forward to reading your book the Spring of 2014.