As of 12:00 today the plants are in. Most plants were organized and arranged to complement growth and nutrients when planted together i.e. basil with tomatoes and the native American planting: corn, beans and squash.
Front Far Left:
Lavender "Hidcote" Ht:12"
From gilbertiesherbs.com
"Lavender branches were burned on St. John's Eve at mid-summer to drive away evil spirits. This slow growing variety is the most popular of the English lavender with its dark purple blooms. All lavenders require well-drained sweet soil with a pH above 7.8 so add lime. The essential oil is an insect repellent."
Sage Painted Ht: 24"
From gilbertiesherbs.com
"Once used to flavor wine by the Greeks and Romans, painted sage is grown for its beauty today. Heart shaped leaves rise to rose, purple pink or green bracts adding stunning effect to herb garden. Requires full sun and good drainage; do not over winter."
Aloe Vera Tender perennial Herb Ht: 1'-3'
"Aloe is an African native with a long medicinal history. Yellow/orange flowers are borne on a spike above the foliage. New plants are produced at the base. Currently valued for the juice of its leaves which soothe and heal sunburn, insect bites and minor skin irritations.

Center 3 rows:
Early girl Tomato Ht: 24-36" Matures early 52-54 days
Big Boy Ht: 24-36" Matures in 78 days x 2 plants
Basil Sweet Bush (annual herb) Ht: 24" x 8 plants
according to Gilbertiesherbs.com
"Sweet bush basil was considered a royal herb by the Greeks and venerated as sacred by the Hindus and basil is still one of the most popular herbs today. All basils require full sun, consistent moisture and warm temperatures to thrive. Do not plant outside until nighttime temperatures do not go below 50 degrees F. This is the traditional sweet basil."
Sweet Pepper Bell - planted in between

Matures in 60-70 days
Far Back rows includes 6 mounds of the native American planting: Three sisters
Each mound contains three corn, one blue lake pole bean in center and one butternut squash.
Sweet Corn - Bicolor Maturity 70-85 days
Plant in full sun 4-6" apart
Blue Lake Pole Beans (Plant three plants to a pole) we are using the corn stalks as the poles
Tender, plump, top-quality beans on tall growing plants
Early Butternut squash hybrid (tray of six) - matures in 70 says (fruit size 10-12")
We are not planting the perennial/annual flowers/shrubs until the main water line to the house is finished. In the meantime, I couldn't help put purchase two beautiful rhododendrums of the most unusual color and they will only get 3' high called Rhodo Percy Wiseman #2
Dense compact, rounded evergreen shrub with dark green foliage, multicolored flowers of peach, pink & cream age to white with a yellow throat. Late mid season bloom. Unusual color. Ht 3'
1 comment:
Tips on drying Herbs - Lemon and White Thyme are so easy and don't take long. Rinse, pat dry store in lunch bag, any paper bag until dry and leaves fall off stem when crumbling them together. Sifting with your fingers to get little pieces of stems out. Store in old pill containers, breath mint containers or glass.
I use lemon thyme for vaccuming. smells great.
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