WOW! I had no idea so many corporate sponsors of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure were food and beverage manufacturers. I so wish they would steer 50% of the research $$$$ to support breast cancer prevention and nutrition research but how can they when the very industries they would be "investigating" give them so much money. UGH!
Americans have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why.
Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire
p.s. Thanks for all the support (on and off line). I think would be the perfect place to start our 50% research towards nutrition and breast cancer prevention.
After breast cancer at 38, SuperMom-in-training changed what's on her plate! Dairy-free recipes, household tips and essential resources for healthier living
September 29, 2010
September 23, 2010
Former President Bill Clinton no longer eats dairy! Check out the interview
WOW! Guess former president Bill Clinton is not concerned about the "veggie libel law's" that sued Oprah over "mad cow" beef. This is serious stuff my friends. Whether or not you agree with his politics he's basically saying, "the food I've been eating made me sick."
From Wikipedia, "Food libel laws typically allow a food manufacturer or processor to sue a person or group who makes disparaging comments about their food products. In some states these laws also establish different standards of proof than are used in traditional American libel lawsuits, including the practice of placing the burden of proof on the party being sued.[1]"
[1]Collins, Ronald (1998-03-23). "Veggie-Libel Law Still Poses a Threat". Retrieved 2009-12-28.
September 14, 2010
Excellent Post on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Breast Cancer from The Ethical Nag
The haunting of medical journals: how ghostwriting sold hormone replacement therapy
The poster child of medical ghostwriting is Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. (now owned by Pfizer, the world’s biggest drug company) who were then the makers of the best-selling HRT drugs on earth, Premarin and Prempro. Wyeth’s ghostwritten medical journal articles attempted to:
- mitigate the perceived risks of breast cancer associated with HRT
- defend the unsupported cardiovascular “benefits” of HRT
- promote off-label, unproven uses of HRT such as the prevention of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, vision problems, and wrinkles.
September 10, 2010
Is something seriously wrong with our food system?
Dear SuperMom101,
"We apologize to everyone who may have been sickened by eating our eggs" - Jack DeCoster, founder of Wright County egg empire, testifying yesterday to Congress. This time, we need more than an apology.
Kids served Cheetos with cheese for lunch, half a billion dangerous eggs recalled, obesity and diabetes at record levels - there is something seriously wrong with our food system.
But whenever factory farms ignore food safety, McDonalds crafts their next campaign to lure kids inside, or politicians write laws to keep school lunches frozen, they don't take into account one thing - a massive grassroots movement mobilized for the fight to make food good, clean and fair.
September 6, 2010
More Frankenfood coming to a shelf near you - Genetically Modified Salmon
"Genetically Modified Salmon As Safe To Eat As Normal Atlantic Salmon"
According to the article in Medical News Today,"it has been modified by adding a growth hormone regulating gene from another fish." Since my breast cancer tumor was hormone receptive (and most are) I'll steer clear of this Frankenfood.
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