The haunting of medical journals: how ghostwriting sold hormone replacement therapy
The poster child of medical ghostwriting is Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. (now owned by Pfizer, the world’s biggest drug company) who were then the makers of the best-selling HRT drugs on earth, Premarin and Prempro. Wyeth’s ghostwritten medical journal articles attempted to:
- mitigate the perceived risks of breast cancer associated with HRT
- defend the unsupported cardiovascular “benefits” of HRT
- promote off-label, unproven uses of HRT such as the prevention of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, vision problems, and wrinkles.
From a basic PR perspective, I look at how the pharmaceutical companies might see the practice, (from Partners In Slime: Why You Should Be Alarmed About Medical Ghostwriting):
“You pay for dozens of favourable medical journal articles about your drugs that claim, fraudulently, to be authored by noted researchers instead of your own hired ghostwriters. Other doctors out there then read these published journal articles, and are duly convinced to start prescribing more of your drugs to their patients. Your drug company makes lots of money. You get a big bonus at the end of the year. The academics get to claim authorship of yet another journal publication for their CVs. Everybody wins. Except for us patients.”
Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman of the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington has examined 1,500 internal Wyeth documents. She explained how the drugmaker hired a medical communications company called DesignWrite to co-ordinate its ghostwriting strategy to help push Premarin and Prempro.The Wyeth ghostwriting practices that Dr. Fugh-Berman documents in her latest PLoS Medicine article include:
- the drugmaker’s strategies around publication planning
- recruiting academics to pose as the article authors so medical journals would accept their submissions
- inserting marketing messages into journal articles including the promotion of off-label, unproved uses of HRT (such as prevention of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and visual impairment)
- overstating the benefits of the drugs
- downplaying harms including the risk of breast cancer, which was beginning to be recognised
- defending a cardiovascular benefit despite no evidence
Dr. Peter Byass of the Umeå Centre for Global Health Research in Sweden added this interesting perspective in PLoS Medicine this week:
“The underlying assumption here – that senior researchers don’t write their own papers anyway, but rely on their post-doctoral students – is even worse than the ghostwriting saga itself. If it is really true that some senior researchers don’t do a lot of their own research, analysis and writing, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that opportunities for ghostwriting have occurred.”
In other words, medical school academics may already be used to their young students doing the actual work for them and then just signing off their scientific papers as “guest” authors, so getting into bed with industry-funded ghostwriters may seem like no big deal.Alarmingly, Dr. Fugh-Berman reported this week that many doctors still prescribe HRT to all their menopausal patients to prevent heart disease, despite overwhelming evidence of its danger. She wrote in her investigation:
“This non-evidence–based perception may be the result of decades of carefully orchestrated corporate influence on medical literature.”
Find out more – Partners In Slime: Why You Should Be Alarmed About Medical Ghostwriting, or read Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman’s September 7, 2010 article from the journal Public Library of Science Medicine.
Hi SuperMom - thanks so much for the plug for 'The Ethical Nag: Marketing Ethics For The Easily Swayed'.
Love your tip for avocado, by the way!
Carolyn Thomas
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