December 2, 2011

Food industry on the defensive

Excerpts from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution:  Yes Virginia, Pizza is a Vegetable

Last week Congress let us down. Big time. Lobbied heavily by the food industry – specifically frozen foods and potatoes – our elected officials secretly overruled science-based standards and a democratic process to keep salty, highly processed, fast-food-style lunch items on the tray every single day.  Read complete article here: Big Wins for School Food in 2011, Despite Congress

What's on your tray? - Food Revolution

Big Wins for School Foods, Despite Congress
We have been sharing our disappointment that Congress bowed to industry pressure and weakened great new standards for school lunch by permitting French fries and pizza every day. Yet despite these last-minute setbacks, super important gains were made in 2011 on federal rules for school food. These improvements bode well for the Food Revolution. Read on to learn more.

When the final USDA meal standards are released this winter they will include historic improvements to the food on the tray. Other portions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act will add money, jumpstart new programs, and usher in better community involvement in school food.

- Excerpts from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

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