September 28, 2013

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead - The Movie

Follow one man's journey as he travels Fat Sick and Nearly Dead across America.

Juiced every morning to detox after numerous surgeries and it was truly amazing how great I felt - inside and out.  I'm inspired to dust it off and get back to it.

Watch the movie for free through the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead web page.

p.s. Certainly a new perspective on the old adage: An apple a day helps keep the doctor away. - Ben Franklin


Anonymous said...

Wake up America! We are focusing on Obama care while the movie shows that the heart attack cost $50,000 and the juicing cost less than $500/month. Plus, how much does all the prescription medication cost? The only people that don't want us nearly dead are our families and the insurance companies

Anonymous said...

I also don't want to be dead.