Smashed Lemonade (After) |
Hello friends . . .
After a brief hiatus enjoying the spring and summer with family and friends, I'm back online. This recipe has been requested more than a few times this summer (also have one for Smashed Blueberries that I'll post under a separate post)
Smashed Lemonade
(delicious served virgin as well)
By the glass*
(Before) |
Recipe when using 16 oz (or two cup) glass
Two (2) jiggers quality vodka (no headache if it's "top shelf") and no need for the "fake" flavored stuff here because that's what we're going to do and (hopefully) it will be awesome. (Storing the vodka in the freezer will also ensure a refreshing cold beverage.) I prefer the one that rhymes with "settle".
Two (2) cups quality lemonade (be sure to read the label because the quality will make a difference here as well. That is: no high fructose corn syrup "fake" lemonade.) Hope to post a homemade recipe soon.
1 pint of blue berries (washed and rinsed) - to smash
1 lemon (washed and rinsed and cut in to 1/8 pieces
to mash
1 bottle of chilled sparkling Italian Water -
to splash
1 lemon squeezer - for the smashing and mashing
Take a glass or cup that can hold approx. 16 ounces or 2 cups. Fill 2/3 full with ice. Pour one or two jiggers of vodka over the ice. Smash two scoops of blueberries and add to glass. Mash two lemon wedges and let the juice spill in to the glass. Fill glass with lemonade and leave room at the top to splash with sparkling water. (If making virgin just skip the vodka and leave more room for the splash.) Finish off with ice to fill glass. (This last step makes it less messy when doing all the mashing, squeezing and splashing.) When refilling leave the already mashed blueberries in the bottom of the glass and repeat above.
Enjoy (responsibly of course) with family and friends!
Sounds like a lot of work but once you have the hang of it's actually pretty easy. Love to hear your results.
Best health always,
* Multiply by four if serving a party pitcher. I prefer a glass pitcher that has been placed in the fridge so the pitcher is cold when you add the vodka and lemonade. Then smash, squeeze and splash right before you serve.