August 28, 2015

Organic vs. Conventionally Farmed: Let the kids be the taste test

The SuperMom101 Show's photo.
With all the propaganda/infomericals about America's ‪#‎GMO‬ fake food supply - it's time to thank  ‪#‎organic‬ potato farmers at Old Oak Farms.

Fast, easy and then just let it grill: Washed and wrapped potatoes in tin foil with a little olive oil and put them first on the grill - off the heat to the side. Grilled for maybe an hour and a half but it's not directly over the fire and not always the only items on the grill. No need to move or flip - just be certain they're not directly over the coals. (Still grill using old fashioned 100% charcoal and no lighter fluid necessary with the chimney. Coals are ready in less than 10 minutes - the time it takes to rinse and wrap the potatoes.)

My niece said it was the best potato she ever had and think she actually enjoyed four.

Best health always,

Best health always,
The SuperMom101 Show's photo.

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