October 3, 2012

Organic Food vs. Conventional: What the Stanford Study Missed

by Robyn O'Brien (as posted to the Huffington Post)

SuperMom101 Comment:

“Well said Robyn: "Food is not just a delivery device for vitamins and minerals, as measured in the study..."

To the scientist that are posting: do I really need a PhD in chemistry, epidemiology or molecular biology to know that a tomato in a supermarket looks different, smells strange, and can't compare in taste to a tomato from my neighbor's garden in July and according to this study they have the same nutritional value?

This study is exactly why America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and strangely we can't seem to figure out why.

Had breast cancer nearly 12 years ago at the age of 38 and had no idea about America's fake, highly processed, factory farmed, franken food supply, that is feed growth hormones, arsenic.... 

Changed what's on my plate and have been healthy ever since. I now focus on the "quality" of the food not the "quantity". Who knows, maybe America will shed a few pounds when they eat an 1/8 of a hamburger with no pink slime filler or growth hormones and a "real" slice of a tomato instead of a factory farmed 1/4 pounder with cheese for the same price.”

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