October 23, 2012

Pediatricians offer first report on organic foods

SuperMom101 response to Post:

So, is this article saying...my nose, eyes and taste buds that tell me that an organic (or locally gown)  tomato from my neighbor's yard in July is not as nutricious as a factory farmed tomato shipped 1,000 miles to a supermarket in December?

Tomatoes and cilantro from (last year's)* garden
It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why.

p.s. Are these the same pediatricians that nearly 19 years ago told a new mother that our new born should be placed on his stomach when sleeping (asked my sister with 4 children and we both thought this "new way" seemed dangerous). Eighteen months later, when I had our daughter, I was told never to place the new born on her stomach.

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

*This year our Italian neighbor would drive by our garden and shake his head in disgust at the overgrown weeds.  We did get a bumper crop of the herbs for drying.

p.s.s. Did anyone spot the non-tomato in the photo?

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