May 20, 2014

Ever wonder why water isn't offered as a school lunch tray beverage "choice" but chocolate cow's milk is? #SaveSchoolLunch

Ever wonder why Congress says, "pizza" is a vegetable?

Our teenage daughter can not "choose" water as a beverage "choice" with her school lunch.  (It costs extra.)  She's told that she can "choose" one type of cow's milk (including chocolate) but no water!  Huh?

And, in your elementary schools, you can check off the box for chocolate cow's milk, but there's not one for water? We can select french fries and chocolate milk, but no water?

The reason:  "the federal government sees no nutritional value in water and won't reimburse your school lunch program if it's offered on the school lunch menu."  (My husband has always felt that chocolate milk has flavoring added because it's about to spoil.)  Wonder what industry got water banned from the lunch menu?

Join me in supporting the "real" change to our children's school lunch programs that's taking place and tell corporation's hungry to get on our children's lunch AND breakfast trays that we want to keep "real" change and keep creating "real choices."

Join me in supporting the "real" change that's helping keep America's children healthy and strong

Back to the water issue: a simple solution would be to offer filtered water - and let everyone refill their own water bottles.  Our children play sports and the last time I checked they don't run off the courts or fields looking for a milk bottle.

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

p.s. This is not a promo for Dansai water (manufactured by Coca Cola) because, as my niece pointed out, Dansai water's ingredients include: "water, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, salt." Be sure to read your labels .  Most of these water's are "enhanced"and not just water. UGH!

Join me in keeping "real" food on our school lunch trays

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