UGH! Why do I think we're being played? Does this feel like a way for the food and beverage industry to get a hold of our children for breakfast too!
Seriously? These are the "partners" that want to keep our children healthy and strong?
be sure to open "National Partners" and see the full list
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Thank you for posting. I can't believe these companies. Shame on them for selling sugar (and all the other highly processed fake food products) for breakfast as if it's going to alleviate hunger.
If these companies really cared about preventing hunger why aren't they donating money to the school's directly to provide a healthy and delicious breakfast that doesn't have a corporate name attached to it. I think they have a definite agenda - anyone else think so too?
No Hungry Kids Act - This is the real agenda that the corporate partners want to do away with and it has nothing to do with the health of your child.
From the library of Congress:
No Hungry Kids Act - Nullifies the rule published by the Department of Agriculture on January 26, 2012, establishing nutrition standards for the school lunch and breakfast programs.
(This rule is summarized as requiring most schools to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat fluid milk in school meals; reduce the levels of sodium, saturated fat and trans fat in meals; and meet the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements.)
Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to prohibit the Secretary of Agriculture's minimum nutritional requirements for school lunches from being construed as establishing a calorie maximum for individual school lunches or prohibiting a child from eating a lunch provided by the child's parent or legal guardian.
(Notice the last line to make it look like children can't bring their own lunches if this doesn't pass - meanwhile they can eat Arby's for breakfast and lunch now!
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