December 4, 2012

Salmonella Poisoning From Peanuts Killed Jeff Almer's Mother After She Beat Cancer

Dear Mr. Almer,

Thank you for sharing your story and so very sorry for your loss. I had breast cancer over 12 years ago and at the time had no idea about America's highly processed, commonly recalled, contaminated, chemically banned, imported, genetically engineered, factory, franken farmed, antibiotic, steroid, and arsenic feed, food supply.

How quickly many of the commenters forget about other recent deadly recalls:

Half a billion eggs
36 million pounds of turkey
One million pounds of ground beef

Had a friend end up in the hospital for 24 hours and was sent home with "the flu." A week later there was a recall in the state he was visiting and the sausage he had eaten was recalled. Wonder how many more thousands are sickened and the deadly food connection is not made?

It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why.

Best health always to you and your family,

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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