June 27, 2014

The Unhealthy Truth featured on The SuperMom101 Show

One Mother's Shocking Investigation
into the 
Dangers of America's Food Supply

by Robyn O'Brien

June 21, 2014

Will they publish a study that doesn't support their companies? Corn Refiners to test the new food label - HFCS

Curious if the Corn Refiners Association (manufacturers of High Fructose Corn Syrup - HFCS) will publish studies that don't support their organizations.

p.s. Odd.  You need a PhD in chemistry to "manufacture" HFCS.

Common sense is not so common.  - Voltaire

June 2, 2014

Is food too cheap for our own good?

And now the food manufacturers are hungry to get on the breakfast trays as well.
Meanwhile, America's children have never been fatter or sicker.

SuperMom101's Response to the post:
If food is too cheap – why is the government wanting to introduce free breakfasts at school?
  1. SuperMom101 • 1 min ago
    Yes. Exactly! It’s the manufacturers that are hungry to get on the school breakfast menu. . .
    Had no idea about America’s highly processed, genetically engineered, chemically manufactured, artificially colored, steroid injected, arsenic feed, factory farmed, pesticide sprayed, antibiotic laced, sugar addicted, low fat, food supply when I experienced cancer over 12 years ago – and I thought I was eating healthy.
    Here’s a thought to Carolyn’s point. Ever wonder why Chocolate Cow’s Milk is offered on a school lunch tray as a beverage “choice” (along with three other types of cow’s milk) but water is banned? “The Federal Government sees no nutritional value in water and your local school lunch program won’t be reimbursed if it’s offered as a “choice.” Hmmmm…. and we can’t seem to figure out why America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker. Common sense is not so common. – Voltaire
    Changed what’s on my plate, in my shopping cart, and in the kitchen cabinet and thankfully have been healthy ever since.
    Best health always,