December 29, 2012

A Vegan Diet (Hugely) Helpful Against Cancer

Dear Kathy,

THANK YOU! When I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer at the age of 38 I had no idea at the time that what was on my plate and in my glass could possibly make me sick. I stumbled on a terrific book that made the diet connection for me and when I discussed it with the chief of oncology -that was it! I have not eaten dairy in over 12 years and eat only very limited amounts of minimally processed, hormone free meat. (Rural China has the lowest breast cancer rates in the world - there's no dairy in their diet.)

I look forward to reading all the comments but first wanted to give you a HUGE thank you! This former breast cancer patient (over 12 years ago) wanted to lend my support to all those that are speaking the truth, burning the pink ribbons and telling us the truth - we can prevent breast cancer.

Best health always and best wishes for a safe and happy new year.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Prop 37 Defeated: California Voters Reject Mandatory GMO-Labeling

How does one "grow" GMO high fructose corn syrup**?

After cancer at age 38 - changed what's on my plate and as best I can, I purchase food for our family that is labeled USDA Organic* or NON GMO Project Verified. (Actually thought I was eating healthy.) Now, I vote with my wallet.

To those that don't want GMO labels - don't you find it strange that China labels GMO foods? (BTW - rural China has the lowest breast cancer rates in the world). Meanwhile, America and her children have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished, we're addicted to highly processed, fake, franken-food and beverages and we can't seem to figure out why.

Hmm... do you think Congress could eat the "typical" highly processed, fake, franken-food for a week? Every meal! Every Day! How many of those freebie lobbyist-hosted dinners have a bowl of GMO corn chips with a side of GMO high fructose corn syrup ketchup for dipping?

*USDA Organic: U.S. Law does not allow the use of genetically engineered ingredients or seed in products labeled as organic. Heard the USDA has awesome organic produce in their commissary.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

** To "grow" high fructose corn syrup at home - you'll need a PhD in chemistry, a white lab coat and a clean room.

December 28, 2012

A Corporation Owns My Genes — and Yours (...and it ain't cheap, ethical or moral)

A Corporation Owns My Genes — and Yours

This is a terrific article on the upcoming Supreme Court case that will hear whether one company has the right to own our genes and along with it - breast cancer research, all the diagnostic profits and a monopoly on OUR genes.

Best health to everyone in the coming New Year!

December 4, 2012

Salmonella Poisoning From Peanuts Killed Jeff Almer's Mother After She Beat Cancer

Dear Mr. Almer,

Thank you for sharing your story and so very sorry for your loss. I had breast cancer over 12 years ago and at the time had no idea about America's highly processed, commonly recalled, contaminated, chemically banned, imported, genetically engineered, factory, franken farmed, antibiotic, steroid, and arsenic feed, food supply.

How quickly many of the commenters forget about other recent deadly recalls:

Half a billion eggs
36 million pounds of turkey
One million pounds of ground beef

Had a friend end up in the hospital for 24 hours and was sent home with "the flu." A week later there was a recall in the state he was visiting and the sausage he had eaten was recalled. Wonder how many more thousands are sickened and the deadly food connection is not made?

It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why.

Best health always to you and your family,

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

December 2, 2012

Dozens of repeat offenders in fish mislabeling - Boston Globe

According to the Boston Globe article, New round of DNA tests finds dozens of repeat offenders in fish mislabeling, and "imported fish...makes up about 91 percent of the seafood Americans consume."

Yikes!  So, when you're eating at a restaurant, you are really dining on blind faith and possibly banned chemicals and antibiotics.

*Imported Fish - Could your seafood contain chemicals?

Thankful to live in the Northeast where we have access to fresh, locally caught seafood.  I have not purchased "imported" seafood for years and understand that the price of cod might go up a dollar or two in the winter depending how how many storms we experience.

*Way to go Alabama for being one of the few states that tests imported seafood for the banned chemicals, antibiotics, etc.

This fish was caught and released.

November 26, 2012

What does the term "Natural" mean on your Goldfish crackers?

Hmmm... good question: What does the term "natural" mean on your child's Goldfish Crackers?  Well, according to the Fooducate post on, "Is the Lawsuit Against Goldfish Frivolous?",  "the FDA has no definition for Natural. In our book, the term is meaningless, and should not be relied upon when making a food choice. We recommend reading the ingredient list and the nutrition label."

So, in my book, if the packaging doesn't have the following symbol: doesn't go in my shopping cart.  I also try (as best I can) not to place any food in my carriage that even has a label or a label with more than five ingredients - all of which I can pronounce and are in my kitchen cabinet.

November 4, 2012

Seriously, "enhanced" water?

SuperMom101 Response to a Post on Fooducate:

Excellent point. My niece lost 70 pounds by focusing on the "quality" of her food and not just the calories.  I  don't drink soda and when out with my niece purchased a Dasani water (coke product).  The water  is "enhanced"  and it's on her don't drink list.  Rarely purchase bottled water but now when I do,.. I read the label.   Is it possible these "enhancements" are just chemical by-products of manufacturing coke and diet coke?  
Look closely....minerals added for taste?
The above product states:

Made 100% from plants, not oil, our petroleum-free, BPA-free bottle doesn't leach chemicals into your water.  What's more, our crisp, clean water contains essential minerals for taste.  Huh? Green Planet's better bottle is the healthy choice for you and the planet.  Seriously?

You've "cleaned" the water and then added chemicals back in to it?

October 23, 2012

Pediatricians offer first report on organic foods

SuperMom101 response to Post:

So, is this article nose, eyes and taste buds that tell me that an organic (or locally gown)  tomato from my neighbor's yard in July is not as nutricious as a factory farmed tomato shipped 1,000 miles to a supermarket in December?

Tomatoes and cilantro from (last year's)* garden
It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why.

p.s. Are these the same pediatricians that nearly 19 years ago told a new mother that our new born should be placed on his stomach when sleeping (asked my sister with 4 children and we both thought this "new way" seemed dangerous). Eighteen months later, when I had our daughter, I was told never to place the new born on her stomach.

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

*This year our Italian neighbor would drive by our garden and shake his head in disgust at the overgrown weeds.  We did get a bumper crop of the herbs for drying.

p.s.s. Did anyone spot the non-tomato in the photo?

October 16, 2012

Terrific Post on

Bacteria in Balance

Researchers suggest alternatives to blasting bacteria with antibiotics

SuperMom101 Comment:

Terrific article!  So true about the past 50-100 years...

When our son was experiencing recurring sinus infections in third grade not only did his doctor order a scat scan, but the prescriptions got stronger and stronger and the infection returned even worse.   I was concerned that he would grow resistant to antibiotics so I went to a holistic/regular pharmacy and they asked three questions: is he allergic to cow's milk - YES, does the infection come back worse each time - YES, and does he take a probiotic when he takes the antibiotic - NO.  We went to using the probiotics and the infections stopped and continues to use the probiotics when his gut is off balance.

He's now a Freshman in college and the first time since third grade he was at the doctor's office yesterday for a sinus infection. (He's been drinking cow's milk - so even his acne flared up- because he ran out of the vegan protein powder) and interestingly the doctor no longer looks at the green, yellow mucous as the onset of an infection but a healthy sign his body is fighting off the infection.  No prescription for an antibiotic.  He came home, took a couple of probiotics and is using a nasal salt spray.  (And, ordered the vegan protein powder.)

Keep up the good "bacteria" research - you are definitely on to something!

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.  - Hippocrates

October 13, 2012

Drying herbs

Dried oregano, rosemary and thyme.

Place in a dry area leaving plenty of room between the stems for air to circulate for approximately two weeks - or until the leaves shrivel and crinkle to the touch.

October 3, 2012

Organic Food vs. Conventional: What the Stanford Study Missed

by Robyn O'Brien (as posted to the Huffington Post)

SuperMom101 Comment:

“Well said Robyn: "Food is not just a delivery device for vitamins and minerals, as measured in the study..."

To the scientist that are posting: do I really need a PhD in chemistry, epidemiology or molecular biology to know that a tomato in a supermarket looks different, smells strange, and can't compare in taste to a tomato from my neighbor's garden in July and according to this study they have the same nutritional value?

This study is exactly why America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and strangely we can't seem to figure out why.

Had breast cancer nearly 12 years ago at the age of 38 and had no idea about America's fake, highly processed, factory farmed, franken food supply, that is feed growth hormones, arsenic.... 

Changed what's on my plate and have been healthy ever since. I now focus on the "quality" of the food not the "quantity". Who knows, maybe America will shed a few pounds when they eat an 1/8 of a hamburger with no pink slime filler or growth hormones and a "real" slice of a tomato instead of a factory farmed 1/4 pounder with cheese for the same price.”

October 2, 2012

This former breast cancer patient thinks October is really Pink Washing* Month and the sea of pink makes me queasy

Check out Think Before You Pink* Campaign and the great work being done by Breast Cancer Action.

How come with all the billions of dollars spent on cancer research and "awareness" we're still in the midst of an epidemic?  One in 8 women in the U.S. will experience breast cancer during her lifetime and it's 1 in 100,000 in China.  Yep! That's right - on Mainland China they call it "the rich women's disease."

*Breast Cancer Action coined the term pinkwashing as part of our Think Before You Pink campaign. Pinkwasher: (pink’-wah-sher) noun. A company or organization that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon product, but at the same time produces, manufactures and/or sells products that are linked to the disease.

p.s. Anyone else notice that the fancy hospital wings that were built 20 years ago were maternity wards and now they're cancer centers?

Is this really creating "awareness"?
What if America's food supply was the leading cause of most cancers?

September 29, 2012

A few months ago our oldest (now a college Freshman) opened the kitchen cabinets and said, "there's nothing to eat."

 I replied, "make some pasta."

He said,  "I don't know how to boil water."

"You take AP Physics and you don't know how to boil water?"

He told me, "that's a mean thing to say."  And, he was right.  So, I taught him how to boil water, add the pasta for the right amount of time (Al dente), drain, add some olive oil and a few fresh basil leaves from the garden.  Simple and fast.   And, I never touched a pan, box or sink.

Wonder what's in the cabinet/mini fridge in the college dorm room?

September 27, 2012

Do you eat real? Take the Quiz

Food Day - October 24th: Food Day is a nationwide celebration and movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food.  Check out for details and to take the quiz.

Take the quiz. Are you gambling with your health?
Do you eat real? Take the quiz...

HFCS vs. Sugar, and vice versa: eat less of both!

Dear Marion,

Terrific post! It’s so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can’t seem to figure out why. Meanwhile we have the food and beverage industry telling us everything is fine with our food supply, and compared to 40 years ago, I need a PhD in Chemistry to read food labels.

After I experienced cancer at age 38 (nearly 12 years ago) I keep it simple. If I can’t make it in my kitchen (i.e. high fructose corn syrup) I don’t want it in my food.

Thanks again for your post. I love the one comment about dirt….so true.

Common sense is not so common. – Voltaire

America's new kitchen?

September 26, 2012

Organically, Locally, or Conventionally Grown Produce..Which is Best?

 Joan Salge Blake on Boston. com recently asked the question:

For the best nutrition, the produce that you should buy is:

1.    Organically grown* 
2.    Locally grown 
3.    Conventionally grown 
4.    What’s on sale 
5.    Any of the above

Cilantro and tomates from (last year's) garden
I'm more concerned about the quality of my food...not the quantity.  Plus, I might eat less and waste less.  I've eaten grocery store tomatoes and my taste buds and eyes tell me that they can't have the same nutritional content as above.

*USDA-approved organic farms cannot use conventional pesticides, ionizing radiation, or synthetic fertilizers. Sewage sludge cannot be used. Organically raised animals must consume no antibiotics or growth hormones, must eat organic food and have access to the outdoors. Genetic engineering is not allowed. 

September 25, 2012

Arsenic on rice and in chicken feed...who knew

Maryland First State to Ban Arsenic in Poultry Feed

According to a recent article in the Food Safety News - the move follows a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study released last summer that found increased levels of inorganic arsenic in the livers of chickens treated with the Roxarsone. The new data raised concerns of a "very low but completely avoidable exposure to a carcinogen," said Michael Taylor, FDA's Deputy Commissioner for Foods, when FDA announced the company was withdrawing the drug in response to the study's findings.
Arsenic anyone?
Arsenic in chicken feed is more alarming than arsenic in rice.  (At least on rice it can be rinsed off.)  This is exactly the reason I no longer purchase meat from factory farmed, brand name stores.  

September 24, 2012

Meet the Scientific “Experts” Claiming GMO Foods are Safe

"If you were looking for a pediatrician, would you take your child to an MD that is working for Coke, Burger King, and the sugar lobby? Then why would you believe what that same doctor has to say about the safety and labeling of genetically engineered food?" - Michele Simon - Appetite for Profit (a public health lawyer who has been writing about the food industry since 1996.)

Terrific post (see link below) on the so called "experts" with industry ties that continue to tell us nothing is wrong with America's food supply and we (the consumers) don't need to know that a food that's banned in most of the world doesn't need to be labeled in the U.S.  America and her children have never been fatter, sicker or more malnourished and it's so strange...we can't seem to figure out why.  

As the founder of Western medicine said:  Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates
Can you pick out the which "food" has been 
genetically engineered with insecticides, 
fed growth hormones and antibiotics 
and has added sugar?
p.s. As my grandfather used to say, who signs the paycheck will tell you a lot about the person cashing it.

September 23, 2012

Do I need a PhD in Chemistry to manufacture "Nature's" Calorie-Free Sweetener?

Do I need a PhD in Chemistry, white lab coat and clean room to manufacture this?

Truvia® natural sweetener is made from Truvia® stevia leaf extract, the best tasting part of the stevia leaf, erythritol and natural flavors. See our ingredients page for more detailed information. -*

Hmmm....leaf extract (whatever that is), erythritol and "natural flavors"- let me check my kitchen cabinets and see if I have any - Nope!

*That's strange.  I thought that I was reading the ingredient page.  

Ingredients: Erythritol, rebiana, natural flavors

Nope!  No "rebiana" in the kitchen cabinets either.

September 20, 2012

Breaking: BPI Sues ABC News For $1.2 Billion Over “Pink Slime” Coverage

Be sure to check out the comments - they are a fascinating commentary on what consumers want and industry spins: The Lunch Tray

Ms. Bettina Elias Siegel does a terrific job in moderating her blog.  In her own words: Because news of this lawsuit is likely to stir the passions of LFTB supporters, before I sign off I'd like to remind everyone of my stringent comments policy.  Sadly, this reminder is necessary in light of the profane and sometimes overtly antisemitic comments which LFTB supporters have regularly attempted to post on this blog over the last several months.  Please be aware that all such comments will be automatically deleted at my discretion and the commenter's IP address will be placed permanently in my spam folder.  Thank you.

ABC News sued by BPI

September 11, 2012

Healthy beverage guidelines: always read labels...even on water?

Is this "healthy"?
We're told to drink lots of water on a daily basis.  Had no idea that Dasani water is "enhanced" until my niece that lost over 70 lbs on Weight Watchers showed me the label.  So thankful she did because now I even read the labels on water.

June 3, 2012

Free things to do around Boston - from

Free things to do around Boston

Always found packing a few half eaten bagels leftover from breakfast in the backpack along with some fresh  fruit makes for quick and easy snacks to keep the little ones plowing through a day in the city. (Place the fruit in a plastic container with a little ice and orange slices and the fruit won't get crushed.) Refilling the used plastic bottles with water, placing in the freezer the night before and purchasing a fresh loaf of bread as we passed a bakery is another way to create an instant picnic.  At the end of the day a shared plate of French Fries and a beverage (or two) for the adults is a great way to finish off a successful trip to the big city.  And, hopefully no tears from being tired and hungry - even from the adults.

May 31, 2012

Jamie Oliver presented with Healthy Cup Award!
Dr. Walter Willett, chair of Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a true leader in  scientific research in to America's food supply has been my hero since I started this journey over 12 years ago.  (Pictured on right.)

Congratulations Jamie Oliver on receiving the Healthy Cup Award!  Visit the Food Revolution page to view Jamie's acceptance speech - Food Revolution.

May 22, 2012

Eat to Beat Wrinkles & More

Find the following comment that was posted in response to the above article to be very interesting:

doctordick wrote:
The source of the above study is the American Society for Nutrition with strong industry ties.

"ASN manages the Smart Choices food labeling system, designed and paid for by the nation's major food manufacturers to "help people make choices about healthier food." Yet you'll find a "Smart Choice" seal of approval on boxes of Froot Loops™ breakfast cereal, which is made of 41% sugar, partially-hydrogenated oils, and artificial coloring and chemicals—which prompted a popular website to give ASN its Integrity Disgrace Award."

April 29, 2012

"In the political arena, one side is winning the war on childhood obesity." - Reuters Special Report

Special Report: Best article yet on the reality behind childhood obesity
One side is winning the war on childhood obesity

Washington, D.C., April 27 (Reuters) - In the political arena, one side is winning the war on child obesity.  The side with the fattest wallets.  (Entire article here.)

Health Effects of Childhood Obesity (CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term effects on health and well-being.
Immediate health effects:
  • Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.7
  • Obese adolescents are more likely to have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes.8,9
  • Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.5,6,10
Long-term health effects:
  • Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults11-14 and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.6  One study showed that children who became obese as early as age 2 were more likely to be obese as adults.12
  • Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.15

April 25, 2012

Mad Cow Disease Confirmed In California Dairy Cow, USDA Says

It's so strange. America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why. Meanwhile, we're told our food supply is healthy, nutritious and delicious by the food and beverage industries.

"Baker Commodities processes animal byproducts, including dead cattle, to make commercial commodities....these products include "high-protein ingredients for poultry feed and pet food, and tallow..." While a diseased animal could have been processed without being tested, it's unclear if an infected cow would have been rendered for feed or pet food at the facility."

Ummm... okay - so, chickens and our family dog are being fed infected cows?

Maybe I'm the crazy one - isn't mad cow because the cow is feed... cattle and grazing on insecticide-laced grain and not grass?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Ben Franklin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

April 24, 2012

USDA confirms nation's fourth case of mad cow disease

Is mad cow disease because we are feeding dairy cows...cattle? "Results confirmed the animal was positive for atypical BSE, a "very rare" form of the disease not generally associated with infected feed." 

April 14, 2012

NestlĂ© Drops Artificial Ingredients in UK Candy – Why Not Here?

NestlĂ© Drops Artificial Ingredients in UK Candy – Why Not Here?

Mars candy company has already
voluntarily removed artificial colors
Here’s another signature!

Robyn’s book, The Unhealthy Truth, is riveting and I find it truly compelling that “the U.K. branches of Wal-Mart, Kraft , Coca-Cola, and the Mars candy company (who make M&M’s) have voluntarily removed artificial colors.”

*p.s. to Fred Fraenkel – from my humble perspective – Bettina is very gracious to even allow your comment.
“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet” – Shakespeare

*(The above p.s. was in reference to a comment posted on The Lunch Tray regarding pink slime  - the 100% ammoniated beef product also known as LFTB.)

April 12, 2012

Power Politics in Action

Terrific post and comments on "Food Politics" Blog.  My personal favorite:

  • Scott Smith
  • April 11, 2012
  • 9:41 am
Edible tissues first entered my vocabulary when researching the garbage the USDA called Chicken Nuggets. It ain’t meat: It’s edible tissues. It’s the equivalent of eating a leather shoe but spitting out the metal shoelace eyelets. LFTB is edible tissue treated with ammonia. Ammonia reminds of a child’s diaper.

Food Politics in Play

April 10, 2012

6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

With all due respect - "(it's) only used as an antifreeze in winterizing plumbing systems?" Oh, since it's considered safe to drain into the soil that certainly makes it much more appetizing and an "essential" ingredient in our food supply. Antifreeze is antifreeze - don't want it in my food.

I read labels and if I can't pronounce propylene glycol and it's not in my kitchen cabinet - it doesn't go in the shopping cart.

Ever notice how Dansai water is "enhanced". What's in the water? Bi products from coke's manufacturing process?

My apologies for the snarky attitude but really: "Good Grief People" as if we're the idiots?

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire
About Food Politics
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

Yikes! We need a lab coat, PhD in chemistry and clean room to make our children lunch? Thank you for the post and exposing the truth behind much of America's food supply!

America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why. In my humble opinion, we need to focus on the "quality" of our food and not the highly processed, fake, genetically engineered, franken-food, antibiotic, steroid, hormone, pink slimed, chemically laden, "quantity".

Best health always!

p.s. I used to take the food and beverage industry hook-line-and-sinker. Now, no more dairy products after I had breast cancer (hormone receptive tumor) at age 38 because of the estrogen, hormones, etc. Thankfully that was over 11 years ago and have been healthy ever since.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

April 4, 2012

Dude, it's 100% ammoniated beef product

Please visit the The Lunch Tray Blog and leave a comment for Bettina Elias Siegel.  She deserves more kudos from those of us that support her efforts in providing "real" food to America's school children.

Best health always... 

Why isn't water offered on the school lunch menus?

Our teenage daughter can not "choose" water as a beverage "choice" with her school lunch.  (It costs extra.)  She's told that she can "choose" one type of cow's milk, but no water!  Huh?

And, in the elementary schools, you can check off the box for chocolate cow's milk, but there's not one for water? We can select french fries and chocolate milk, but no water?

The reason:  "the federal government sees no nutritional value in water and won't reimburse your school lunch program if it's offered on the school lunch menu."  (My husband has always felt that chocolate milk has flavoring added because it's the milk that's about to spoil.)  Wonder what industry got water banned from the lunch menu?

A simple solution would be to offer filtered water - and let everyone refill their own water bottles.  Our children play sports and the last time I checked they don't run off the courts or fields looking for a milk bottle.

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

p.s. This is not a promo for Dansai water (manufactured by Coca Cola) because, as my niece pointed out, Dansai water's ingredients include: "water, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, salt."  Huh?

March 31, 2012

Food safety and 100% Beef "Scraps"

Curious if any of the “ground beef patties” in the following USDA recall (over one million pounds) had the 100% beef bi product (aka LFTB) in it?

WASHINGTON, August 6, 2010 – Valley Meat Company, a Modesto, Calif. establishment, is recalling approximately one million pounds of frozen ground beef patties and bulk ground beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today.
Was your child's 100% ground "beef" on the recall list?
Was it just the flu poisoining.

Certainly appears that cheap food can be very expensive!

March 30, 2012

Letting Things Slide: A Slacker Mom’s Manifesto

Excerpt from article: (and it's hysterical):
There’s lots of parenting stuff floating around in the world telling you how to be awesome. Cheery websites, books, glossy magazines, people who Tweet like rabid gerbils offering well-meaning (or snotty!) advice on how to be a loving, healthy, functional parent. Today I’m here to tell you how to be a crappy one. Moreover, I’m here to tell you that every once in awhile, it’s OK to be one. It’s natural. Some days, you just need to give yourself a big fat F. For furry. Like my legs.

8 Simple Ways You Can Avoid Chemicals in Cans

Thank you Robyn for your intelligent and thoughtful insight in to America's highly processed fake food supply. (It's so strange - America and her children have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why.)

Hope you don't mind if I also comment on how much I enjoyed your book: "The Unhealthy Truth." I discovered what dangers are lurking in our cereal bowls, yogurt containers and milk cartons when I was treated for breast cancer over 11 years ago and have never looked back. It's nuts how most of Europe bans the import of our chemically manufactured, highly processed fake food and we need a "debate". Your chapter on unlabeled food additives (i.e. cocktail of chemicals) is chilling.
Campbell's Soup removes hormone-disrupting chemical from their soup cans. 
Let's have Congress and the USDA be the test kitchens - and, if our dogs won't eat the leftovers - we can't feed it to America's school children.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Ben Franklin

An "organic" apple a day helps keep the doctor away.

Always best health to you and your family,
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

'Pink Slime' Beef Manufacturer Suspends Production At 3 Of 4 Plants Amid Outcry

Dog food?
"Sound nutritional science?"

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

Since when do I need a lab coat, a PhD in chemistry and a "scientific" study to make my kid's a truly "healthy" and "nutritional" lunch for less than $3 bucks?

With all do respect, of course it's 100% beef - so are the eyes, ears and tail - and I don't want it in my 100% ground beef. Isn't that what you feed the family dog....not my children? After I had cancer 11 years ago - at my house - we focus on the quality of food and not the quantity so that means no more highly processed, nutritionally void, genetically engineered, steroid injected, antibiotic fed 100% beef that eats genetically modified corn for me or my family. (And our youngest can tell the difference - big time!)

Who knows - maybe America will shed a few pounds when instead of a quarter pounder with cheese they eat an 1/8 of a pound with veggies.

Cheap food can be very expensive!

Best health always...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 26, 2012

Vintage Weight Loss Ads: A Look At The Health Advice Of Yesteryear

Not my intent to insult. I have worked within the medical community and it was another medical professional that pointed it out to me. To the post below - it's not genes. My mom had it twice and was tested for the BRCA gene.

Many of the nurses I know personally have touched my life and countless others as medical angels for their kindness, compassion, knowledge and expertise. My point was related to the BIG white elephant in the room for health and that's diet and disease in America. (Just like the doctor was smoking when my dad had a bad cough.)

Yes, I thought it very peculiar that a woman that had to weigh at least 400 pounds counsel me on my health, all the material in the waiting room was infomercials from the food and beverage industry, and I was facing a fourth surgery for a disease that affects 1 in 8 women in America...and all the pink ribbons still haven't found a cure. Thankfully (for me) I changed my diet and have been healthy ever since.

Wishing you and your patients best health always!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 25, 2012

Vintage Weight Loss Ads: A Look At The Health Advice Of Yesteryear

These ads are awesome! The baby with 7-Up is classic.

My dad was telling the story just the other night (and he was a smoker at the time) that years ago he went to the doctors for a really bad cough and the doctor became indignant when my dad asked him if he would take the cigarette out of his mouth while he was listening to his lungs.

In my opinion, it's similar to today's medical professionals and obesity. Is it me or are most of the medical staff (I'd say 2/3s easy) are extremely overweight? I found it so peculiar when I was facing yet another surgery for breast cancer and the pre-op nurse was morbidly obese. I've never had a weight issue (thank goodness) in my life and every magazine in the waiting area is saying that excess weight can be a factor.

Thank goodness that I discovered the true connection between diet and diseases in America and have been healthy ever since.

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates

Best health to everyone!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Who is behind this "latest research suggests?"

Don't usually watch TV besides American Idol with the children - yes, I admit it and it's fun.  Although, truthfully, they record it and we watch it usually without commercials.  But, when we do happen to watch it with commercials, I enjoy playing the game:  guess what they're trying to sell you?

The adult version for print media: "latest research suggests".  How many clicks through the "article" below will it will take you to discover which industries are behind this (ahem) infomercial.

p.s. Notice how strangely vague it is.  No discussion or insight in to the "quality" of the food - just a quantity.

FDA To Address Antibiotic Overuse In Livestock, Protect Public Health

Sorry Angrykitteh that argument doesn't fly - suggest America focus on the quality of it's food not the quantity. Don't you think it's strange that America (and her children) have never been fatter, sicker or malnourished and we can't seem to figure out why.

Had cancer 11 years ago and had no idea about America's highly processed, genetically engineered, hormone and antibiotic-laced, fake food supply until then. You can feed a family of five "real" food for about $10 bucks using 1 pound of ground beef without pink slime or antibiotics.

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates (the founder of Western Medicine)
About NRDC
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 21, 2012

"Are you and dad green?"

"Are you and dad green?" is a question our youngest asked a few months ago.  Now, I'd never really thought about it.  We don't intentionally purchase products because of the carbon footprint, or do we?  After the longer than usual delay that most parents provide when we're thinking long and hard about a question but pretending we're preoccupied with something else, I answered, "ummm....not necessarily." 

"I'd call us more Yankee frugal which is actually the same thing but with a different name."  How's that for confusing a simple question!

Seriously, "turn off  the water and don't leave it running, close the refridgerator door, turn down the heat, run errands in the same area, turn of the lights, eat leftovers or make soup with them..." I suddenly realized...I'd become my dad.

Favorite radio station since forever is The River and every morning they provide a "green tip"from the Green Alliance - this morning's tip: the definition of "carbon footprint."

Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened. - Dr. Seuss