March 30, 2013

Touch of Comfort - Honoring the spirit of a true Super Mom Foster/Grand/Aunt/Daycare/Church Nursery

Please join me in supporting the loving memory of one extraordinary SuperMom:

She loved babies, and they adored her. She had her own of course, lots, and loved them all deeply. She nurtured her little nieces and nephews, grandkids and foster babies. She ran a home daycare, and worked in church nurseries and in preschools, all because kids were her calling.

Touch of Comfort - in loving memory of Angela Bauer

Blankets to newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Children’s Hospital in Boston, 
providing joy and comfort at a difficult time.

March 6, 2013

Fooducate: 10 Reasons to Quit Soft Drinks (and diet soda too)

Let’s admit it. We’re a nation of junkies addicted to sugary soft drinks. Decades of clever advertising and cheap unlimited access have made us slaves to sugary pop. We must stop this nonsense. Here are 10 reminders why you should quit, right now!
1. You’ll lose weight. Regular consumption of soft drinks make you fat. Drinking just one 12 oz. Pepsi a day for a year will add 18 pounds to your body weight when compared to water consumption.
2. You’ll lose weight by quitting diet drinks too! When you consume calorie-less sweets, your body gets confused. It releases insulin to absorb the expected sugars in the blood stream, but those sugars never arrive. The result is increased fat cell production.

p.s. My comment:

Soda = candy-in-a-can
Diet soda = chemicals-in-a-can

Is this chemical-in-a-can really health smart?
Wonder how much $$ the American Heart Association received from...

March 3, 2013

Still Believe 'A Calorie Is a Calorie'?

Terrific article! Hope we can spread the word to parents that we are unknowingly hurting our children.

It's so strange: America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why....meanwhile we're told everything is fine with our highly processed, genetically engineered, factory farmed, chemically engineered, artificially flavored, sugar loaded, antibiotic administered, franken-fake food supply.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

BPA may increase asthma risk in kids...

"...experienced a dramatic rise in their BPA levels -- because of unexpectedly high levels of BPA in the milk and dried spices they were consuming."  One more reason why I avoid ALL dairy products since I had breast cancer over 12 years ago.

I had no idea about our highly processed, artifically flavored, chemically laden, clean room manufactured, factory farmed, genetically engineered, steroid injected, arsenic feed, antibiotic administered, high fructose corn syrup addicted, franken-food supply. ...and I thought I was eating healthy.

It's so strange, America (and her children) have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why.   

An "organic" apple a day helps keep the doctor a way. - Ben Franklin

p.s. Great article! Totally agree on glass storage suggestions and basically eliminating  "plastic" as a cooking/storage utensil.  Cans lined with BPA will become a thing of the past because (hopefully) consumers will purchase only those cans that state "no BPA" similar to HFCS and non GMO.    Thanks again for getting the word out there about BPA and its dangers.

DIrect marketing piece handed out at our children's school picnic -
I added the red cross out

March 1, 2013

Happiness Tips: 13 Experts Weigh In On The Pursuit Of Joy

"Count your blessings ... pray every day ... honor God by taking care of your body and mind ... remove all negative people from your life ... learn to forgive yourself and others ... watch as many sun rises and sunsets as you can." - Richard Simmons, American fitness personality and motivator

Great quote!   For over a year now, I try and catch a glimpse of every sunrise and sunset. I've been in meetings and could see the light changing behind a colleagues head and said, "excuse me" and turned to catch a glimpse of the setting sun.

Also suggest taking 15 minutes and watch The Happy Movie - if you don't like it - turn it off. Our 19 year old couldn't stop watching it...

Best health always....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost