March 31, 2011

Arsenic in Chicken Feed: A Possible Cancer Cluster Source?

Americans have never been fatter or sicker and we can't seem to figure out why. Maybe it's both the defunct plant AND the chicken factory farms.

Until we stop buying factory farmed animals that are raised on growth hormones, antibitoic­s, GMO corn, arsenic, and steroids, these factories will keep pumping out this Frankenfoo­d.

Remember last year's recall of over 500,000,00­0 eggs from two "farms?"

According to Food Production Daily, The FDA is responsibl­e for egg safety when eggs are still in the shell, but the USDA takes over once they are broken. In addition, the FDA is in charge of chicken feed safety, while the USDA is responsibl­e for the chickens. [Meanwhile­] ...the division of responsibi­lities between agencies was highlighte­d again last summer during the recall of more than half a billion eggs from two Iowa egg producers, thought to have sickened at least 1,900 people.

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. - Hippocrate­s

p.s. Couldn't stop reading the excerpts from your book: Animal Factory. It's going to change how we look at what's on our forks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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