October 16, 2012

Terrific Post on Boston.com

Bacteria in Balance

Researchers suggest alternatives to blasting bacteria with antibiotics

SuperMom101 Comment:

Terrific article!  So true about the past 50-100 years...

When our son was experiencing recurring sinus infections in third grade not only did his doctor order a scat scan, but the prescriptions got stronger and stronger and the infection returned even worse.   I was concerned that he would grow resistant to antibiotics so I went to a holistic/regular pharmacy and they asked three questions: is he allergic to cow's milk - YES, does the infection come back worse each time - YES, and does he take a probiotic when he takes the antibiotic - NO.  We went to using the probiotics and the infections stopped and continues to use the probiotics when his gut is off balance.

He's now a Freshman in college and the first time since third grade he was at the doctor's office yesterday for a sinus infection. (He's been drinking cow's milk - so even his acne flared up- because he ran out of the vegan protein powder) and interestingly the doctor no longer looks at the green, yellow mucous as the onset of an infection but a healthy sign his body is fighting off the infection.  No prescription for an antibiotic.  He came home, took a couple of probiotics and is using a nasal salt spray.  (And, ordered the vegan protein powder.)

Keep up the good "bacteria" research - you are definitely on to something!

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.  - Hippocrates

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