August 24, 2014

Art made from $8,000 worth of junk food -

Junk Food Art

Excerpt of article Terrifying Art Made out of $8,000 worth of junk food by Kristina Bravo a Los Angeles–based writer. She is an Assistant Editor at TakePart

Artist James Ostrer has put candy bars, ice cream cones, and doughnuts somewhere better than in our stomachs: in artwork.
As part of the Wotsit All About exhibit at London’s Gazelli Art House gallery, Ostrer’s photo series depicts humans covered in a sickly pile of $8,000 worth of snacks. He began by covering his subjects with tinted cream cheese and then added the sugary, fatty, and salty things we put into our bodies every day. European codes for food additives inspired the titles. (One work is called EF 125.5.)
The point? To bring to mind how junk food engulfs our diet—and to gross us out.
“My dad would always drive my sister and me to McDonald’s and we’d have a Happy Meal,” the photographer told NPR. He said that after his parents’ divorce, he dealt with the stress by eating. Later, Ostrer noticed how his diet made him sick. “It’s never going really to make you feel good,” he said.
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