September 25, 2014

Curious why over 500 school children have a rare and serious respiratory illness in Kansas City, MO alone

Curious why hundreds of children across the Midwest have come down with a rare and serious respiratory illness that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) calls enterovirius D68.  There are over 500 children in Kansas City, Missouri alone.

Hmmm…. wonder how many of these children attend schools or live near "farms" that are "manufacturing" GMO crops?  That is, crops like soyalfalfa and corn that are "genetically engineered" with the weed killer/pesticide called Round Up Ready.  That's what's supposed to happen, right?  The pollen travels across the wind to . . .

Since cancer at 38, I read all labels, and because some manufactures won't label that they contain GMO ingredients - they don't go in my shopping cart.  I look for those labeled: Non GMO Project Verified
Best health always,

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