March 9, 2016

Truth (sorta-kinda-maybe) in Product Packaging (Advertising) and Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware... you need an advanced science degree)

"No High Fructose Corn Syrup" (HFCS) means
"Fructose" which is HFCS-90
  • Package advertises: "No High Fructose Corn Syrup) #HFCS
  • Ingredient lists: "Fructose"*
  • Called #GeneralMills customer service: 1-800-248-7310
  • Fructose" is a "sugar naturally occurring from fruit" - Customer Service
  • Guess what's considered a fruit? #GMO Corn Kernel
  • Called back customer service and asked if the fructose* comes from corn. On hold for 15 minutes. She said she needs to investigate further but yes, the fructose can come from corn.
  • *Definition of "fructose" from Corn Refiner's Association: A third [high fructose corn syrup] product, HFCS-90, is sometimes used in natural and “light” foods, where very little [HFCS] is needed to provide sweetness. Syrups with 90% fructose will not state high fructose corn syrup on the label, they will state “fructose” or “fructose syrup.” High Fructose Corn Syrups - Corn Refiners Association
Fructose* is HFCS-90 and manufactured from the fruit
of a GMO Corn Kernel

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