April 20, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham - "The Dark Side of Food Coloring Dyes"

We won't be decorating Easter Eggs this week...too depressed about all the factory farming that's going on and don't want to support them.  And, since I'm the only one that enjoys an occasional organic, free range, hard boiled egg at our house, I can't waste a dozen eggs.

Link to article on food dyes in our diet

Here's an excerpt  from a terrific post at the Skeptic's Health Journal Club that's appropriately titled "Green Eggs and Ham":

There are seven artificial food dyes allowed on the market currently, however this was not always the case.  Actually, if you can believe it, a total of 12 previous artificial food dyes were at one point in the past approved by the FDA to market, before that agency reversed its previous decisions, (twelve times in a row) and banned those artificial food dyes from the market place when evidence of harm became undeniable.  Wow, what a track record.  Really makes you feel confident about the safety of the currently marketed dyes.

Here's the link to the complete article: Green Eggs and Ham

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