July 4, 2014

Fooducate:New York Judges Strike a Blow to Public Health

Response to Post on Fooducate:
Thanks for your reply. Water can't be offered as a beverage choice in the public school lunch line or on the menu choices at elementary schools. (Plain natural water is sold separately but you have to pay extra.) Our school district won't be reimbursed by the federal government's school lunch program if water is offered with the lunch. The reason: water has no nutritional value.*
(Now, I wonder what lobby group had water banned and chocolate candy in a carton on the menu?) Sorry, couldn't resist.
Does your child attend a private school? We live in a fairly affluent community and still have families that require subsidized school lunches so our system definitely participates in the federal programs.
*Our school food director shared this with me when our children were in elementary school and sadly it hasn't changed. Our daughter has always preferred water. She would have to "choose" one of the cow's milk products and throw it away. She would tell me how wasteful she felt it was to take something you don't want and have to then throw it away. She's since graduated high school.
Just walked past a big MILK poster in the middle school the other night and the athletes with milk mustaches in elementary school. It really is subliminal advertising at its worse and no one to stick up for the benefits of plain ol' natural water.
Our children play a lot of sports and not once have they run off a court or field and asked for a milk bottle. Wait, maybe I just gave the industry a marketing idea.
Thanks for reading.
Best regards.

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