September 26, 2012

Organically, Locally, or Conventionally Grown Produce..Which is Best?

 Joan Salge Blake on Boston. com recently asked the question:

For the best nutrition, the produce that you should buy is:

1.    Organically grown* 
2.    Locally grown 
3.    Conventionally grown 
4.    What’s on sale 
5.    Any of the above

Cilantro and tomates from (last year's) garden
I'm more concerned about the quality of my food...not the quantity.  Plus, I might eat less and waste less.  I've eaten grocery store tomatoes and my taste buds and eyes tell me that they can't have the same nutritional content as above.

*USDA-approved organic farms cannot use conventional pesticides, ionizing radiation, or synthetic fertilizers. Sewage sludge cannot be used. Organically raised animals must consume no antibiotics or growth hormones, must eat organic food and have access to the outdoors. Genetic engineering is not allowed. 

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