May 11, 2011

Don't Drink the Cool-Aid: A little more on artificial food dyes - posted on The Skeptic's Health Journal

Excerpt from post in The Skeptic's Health Journal:. took all of about 30 seconds to bring up Dr. Burks financial industry ties as listed on his Duke University academic bio..

Shortly after the advisory panel decision, Melanie Warner at BNet picked up on an odd coincidence in Kraft's advertising,

Kraft, the nation’s largest food manufacturer, has apparently concluded that the threat of any further government action regarding food dyes is pretty much nonexistent. In its seemingly outdated ads, which read “Bring back the fun,” the company celebrates the wonderful tongue staining abilities of Red #40, Blue #1 and Yellow #5. Eight excited kids stick out their brightly colored, post-Kool-Aid tongues.
Sticking out tongues at food activists
It would be hard for Kraft to design an ad that more effectively flaunts its use of lucrative chemicals that some want banned. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that those kids are sticking their tongues out at food activists like the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Read the entire post here: Don't Drink the Cool-Aid: A little more on artificial food dyes - The Skeptic's Health Journal

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