March 30, 2014

Xconomy: Sugary Foods Are Killing Us, The Internet, Not So Much

Sugary Foods Are Killing Us. The Internet, Not So Much

Terrific article by Wade Roush
SuperMom101 Comment:
The public library analogy is perfect. When our children were small we'd walk to the library to have something to do, and yes, play the "educational" video games, enjoy the puppets and read books. Now, our 20 year-old came home from college and wanted to get some "independent" movies he thought the library would have. Our 18 year-old daughter and I tagged along and found ourselves wondering the bookshelves for at least an hour. All together, we came home with six books and two movies.
p.s. Happy to say I haven't purchased "food" from a vending machine in years, but there is one in our office building in the basement.
Best health!

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