March 17, 2012

On a lighter note and in honor of St. Patrick's Day

The first time I had a pint of Guinness is over 12 years ago when I was in Ireland with my husband at a pub that is near-and-dear to him and his family.  I also happened to be three months pregnant.  Now, before you start with the sticks and stones - here's the story:

With less than a week to go on my first trip to Europe (in my mid-30s) I discovered I was pregnant.  The first night we met up with family and friends in the local pub and as the stories and pints flowed - I placed my American brewed pint on the drink rail behind me - it smelled like a bottle of chemicals. (Ask any pregnant woman if she has any food or drink aversions.)  Not even 15 minutes later, the farmers' practical and frugal wives all wanted to know, "whose pint is on the rail?"  I sheepishly smiled and they all congratulated me and told me I have to have a glass of Guinness with a shot of black currant.

"It's full of vita-mins," they all encouraged.

I leaned over to my husband and whispered in his ear, "do you think it's okay to drink a glass of Guinness with a shot of black currant?"

He smiled and whispered back, "this is the most fertile land in the world."
It was delicious.  And when I returned to the states - the #1 ingredient in my liquid multi-vitamin for anemia that's manufactured in West Germany: Black Currant.  And also discovered that Guinness is actually a stout - less alcohol.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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