March 26, 2012

Vintage Weight Loss Ads: A Look At The Health Advice Of Yesteryear

Not my intent to insult. I have worked within the medical community and it was another medical professional that pointed it out to me. To the post below - it's not genes. My mom had it twice and was tested for the BRCA gene.

Many of the nurses I know personally have touched my life and countless others as medical angels for their kindness, compassion, knowledge and expertise. My point was related to the BIG white elephant in the room for health and that's diet and disease in America. (Just like the doctor was smoking when my dad had a bad cough.)

Yes, I thought it very peculiar that a woman that had to weigh at least 400 pounds counsel me on my health, all the material in the waiting room was infomercials from the food and beverage industry, and I was facing a fourth surgery for a disease that affects 1 in 8 women in America...and all the pink ribbons still haven't found a cure. Thankfully (for me) I changed my diet and have been healthy ever since.

Wishing you and your patients best health always!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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